Thursday, November 6, 2008

10th Destination - Hawaii...

I am sooo sad, my trip is almost over,

Don’t get me wrong though, I am still glad and so very grateful for the places I have been and thing I have seen. But this means unfortunately this is going to be the last time I get to write to you about my wonderful adventures. But... no wait there’s still more!!! I still have one more blog to create... the one on my way home...about the disgusting aeroplane food... =)

But anyway today I got to go and breath in all the beautiful fresh air and fresh smell of the sea - in my last destination;


It was absolutely amazing I never thought that Hawaii was so interesting; I mean I thought it was just a place with great shopping and fantastic beaches!!! So I guess I was wrong, no actually I was WAY OF!

Today Hawaii was around 23°C, and "partly cloudy" - as the news reporters said! I am staying in Central Valley, Maui - Hawaii, (of course.) It was such a beautiful day for a "snorkelling day trip," which is just what I decided to do!!! The animals & plants & things of the ocean were just amazing. It has all been a wonderful experience, and I hope that I have shared with you how much fun I have had... because I’ve had a lot of it!

Hawaii is located in the Central Pacific Ocean - It is made up of 8 different volcanic islands! Hawaii is only 1 on the 8. Volcanoes on Hawaii are still active - and i was heaps scarred that i was gonna get blown up or somthing - or burn to death aaaahhhh... =S

Luv aBie xx oo xx

P.S. I hope you're going to read my blog about 'aeroplane food' YUM YUM...... =(

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