Friday, November 7, 2008

The Eve before I Leave - (Night Before! ! !)

Oh My Gosh....Wow I'm Soooo Excited:

I never realised that I would get the opportunity to be able to explore the world in greater depth.
Ohh sorry, hi I'm abie and I'm a geographer who has just gotten the chance of a life time; to go to 10 wonderful destinations around the globe. I'm just so thrilled and honoured to have been given this chance to forfill my dreams!

Right now I am just double-checking, triple-checking and quadriple-checking my bags. I mean you don't want to be half way around the world and run out of undies!!!

Well I'll talk to you tomorrow after I will have gone and seen my first destination: The 1 of 10 environments I will be visiting on my journey... I guess that you'll just have to wait and see where that is though!!! =)

Luv abie

1st Destination - (Hunter Wetlands)

Today I got to visit my first destination...

The Hunter Wetlands... (Shortland - as known by some,) this wetland is located in Australia, NSW, Newcastle. The map below shows it in depth!:

The Hunter Wetlands has previously been so many other thing to so many other people... Well, the Wetlands used to be a rubbish dump, which then turned into being a swamp - and then appeared to be a football field, which then turned into what we know it as today; The Hunter Wetlands!!!

The help of volunteers and workers has turned this 45 hectare space into a wonderful place that many people have enjoyed over the years! (I know I have enjoyed the occasional visit.)

There are many different animals that live in this little magical place; there are 200 types of bird species, frogs, fish, invertebrates and reptiles!
I have had a great day exploring this place.... But I think it is time for me to go and see my next destination - outside of Australia! Hahah =)
Love aBie
xx oo xx oo

2nd Destination - (Siberian Tundra) ! ! !

Hi Everyone,

Today I just visited the Siberien Tundra - Which is located in the top of the Northen Hemisphere, covering parts of; Europe, Asia and North America. This Tundra covers almost 20% of the earths space!!!

It is weird... because in the Siberian Tundra Winters are long, but Summers are short! In Winter it gets VERY cold.

The temperatures are below freezing and the ground is covered with snow and ice...=) The Tundra is very windy - it has winds travlling up to 60 miles per hour.
Bare skin can freeze from as little time as 30 seconds!

The plants and animals that have made their marking in the Siberian Tundra are some such as:
> Grasses > Birds
> Fungus > Mammals
> Shrubs > Insects

Most plants live close to the ground - so that they do not get destroyed by the fierce winds. Most of the animals live close to the ground, they also have small arms, tails, legs and ears to kept them from loosing body heat.

I had a great day today exploring the Siberian Tundra - and I hope that you had just as much fun as I did following me throughout my journey!
Luv aBie

3rd Destination - (Nile River...)

Nile River... well what can I say about this big river!!!

I can tell you heap of information about this river - so I am going to just start at the top.
Firstly I can tell you that the nile river is situated in Egypt, and that it is as long as 6695 km - (4184 miles!) It gets it's name from the Greek word; Nelios - meaning River Valley.
The Nile flows through 9 Countries:

> Uganda > Tanzanian
> Sudan > Rwanda
> Egypt > Burundi
> Zaire > Ethyopia
> Kenya

There are 2 main rivers that flow into the River: The White Nile and the Blue Nile. The Nile River is Fresh water, and as you can see below it is beautiful - it looks clear and very fresh!!!
The Nile Gave the Ancient Egyptians water and soil to live their daily lives in 'Ancient' times. It also gave them some sort of a transportation system!

Here is a picture below of where the river runs - and 1 below that to indicate where it is in the world!

I've got nothing else to report to about this wonderful experience - I think I just told you about everything!!! I'll talk to you tomorrow
Love aBie
xx oo xx oo

4th Destination - (Sahara Desert) ! ! !

Hi everyone,

How are you all going??? Today I visited....... wait for it.......... it's coming........
THE SAHARA DESERT. It was so hot!!! =) But it was still really enjoyable. Just to see the way that people live here is amazing - I mean it's is a challenge for me and I haven't even stayed 1 night here yet!!! Although I guess that that's what people have chosen & they would have adapted to the to the different living conditions, our life-style compared to theirs though is SOOOO luxurious!!!

The Sahara is the 2nd largest desert in the whole wide world - after Antarctica. It stretches for a massive 900,0000, sq km. Thie desert is larger that Australia and almost the equal size to the United Sates of America. The Sahara has history that is beleived to go back as far as 3 million years ago.

Sahara has a estimated population of around 2.5 million people - which is the lowest population in a place on earth.

The Sahara Desert covers most of North America. It is borded by The Meddertteranian Sea, Atlas Mountains, Atlantic Ocean and the Red Sea. Winters in the Sahara are on average of around 13'C, but the Summers can get extremley hot - the highest ever recorded temperature in The Sahara Desert was 58'C.

The picture below shows the Sahara Desert - but also a picture of a Rhinno that has cleverly been spotted!

I have enjoyed today and am very eager to visit my next stop!
Luv aBie
xx oo xx

Thursday, November 6, 2008

5th Destination - (Antarctica...)

AaaaHhhh I just went to ANTARCTICA –

Wow, that sounds really weird, although I guess that it WAS really weird. It was absolutely freezing, but it was the most amazing experience ever! It was so fun - I mean you would think that there would be nothing to do down there in Antarctica, but there was heaps to do... whether it was just standing there awestruck by the gorgeous scenery!

The animals there - well where do we start... the animals usually living in Antarctica are cold-adapted animals, some include; - Fur Seals AND - Penguins. (They were sooo cute!!!) There are also mosses, lichen and algae. These plants are also cold-adapted plants. Today when I went to Antarctica it was about -27'C. Freezing I Know... I could hardly take everything in - which is why I decided to make a few changes to my trip, I decided to stay in Antarctica for 4 days - it makes my trip a little delayed but I guess the Great Barrier Reef is still gonna be there by the time I'm finished here in Antarctica... That way I get to explore more of this beautiful Continent.

Oh yeah! By the way some of you may not know - I mean I'm 24 and I only just found out - that Antarctica is a Continent... Well there you go, you learn something new every day! The overall area of Antarctica = 14 000 000km2,
Ice-free areas = 280 000km2,
Ice-covered areas = 13 720 000km2.
The ice covered areas of Antarctica are normally around 1.6kmin thickness.

Antarctica as most people probably know already is located in the Southern Hemisphere; it is surrounded by the Southern Ocean. Here is a map to show you:

Well I guess I'll talk to you in around 4 days...
When I get to go and visit the Great Barrier Reef!
Luv aBie

6th Destination - (Amazon Rainforest...)

Hi Guys,

You'll never guess where I went / and what I have done...
Today I just witnessed the most wonderful experience... The most beautiful Rainforest in the whole wide world! - The Amazon Rainforest... It was so incredibly amazing, it was almost 'magical' Hahaha Lol. The Amazon is the largest Rainforest in the world, it is shared / spread out between 9 different countries... 60% of the Rainforest is in Brazil - which is where I went!

The Amazon Rainforest is a Tropical Rainforest... and is also the largest remaining space on earth covered with Tropical plants and animals. This amazing natural place of 'gorgeousness' takes up almost 5.5 million sq km.

Whilst I explored this wonderland I made a new friend..... Yep you guessed it! My new best friend is the 'Amazon Horned Frog:' He's quite attractive aye?!?!?

['Rain' forest is a nickname that has over the years described the humidity that you usually find in Tropical Rainforests,] so people say! =) Even though this nickname has been given, it does not rain ALL the time because Tropical Rainforests are located near the equator... and get very hot.

Well I have had a wonderful day exploring the sights of the Amazon Rainforest but right now I am exhausted!
So i'll write to you tomorrow,
Luv aBie

7th Destination - (Great Barrier Reef)

Hey everyone,

Today I just went to most beautiful underwater world EVA! The Great Barrier Reef this place is the largest coral reef 'system' in the world! It was listed in 1981 as a world heritage site.... Because of its absolutely amazing:
+2900 INDIVIDUAL reefs,
+ Its 900 islands - stretching for an enormous 2600km!!!

Is it just soo beautiful, today I think I got the most sunburnt in my whole life - but only because of my own stupidity! But I know that getting sunburnt was so worth it - because I got to go and see the most beautiful place in the ocean (and the ocean is pretty big!)

The GREAT Barrier Reef has been listed as 1 of the 7 natural wonders of the world! It is wonderful... It is located in of the COAST of Queensland, in Northern Australia.
The Great Barrier Reef has a tropical climate; in summer the temperature ranges from 24'C - 33'C, and in winter starting from as low as 14'C - 26'C.

I just loved the experience of swimming under water with the coral and so many different species of animals! It was an adventure of a life time.

Well, I'll talk to you tomorrow,
aBie xx oo xx

8th Destination - (Chopaka Grassland)

Today I just visited the Chopaka grassland,

This grassland is located in Canada – West of Osoyoos.
It just took my breath away - but i mean literally... it was boiling hot, because you know it is summer there! Grasslands are known to be VERY hot in summer but to be QUITE cold during winter... Grasslands receive an average of 10 - 30 inches of rain in a normal year.

And here is something that I learnt today - I learnt that 1/4 of the world is covered in grassland!!! I mean wow... that’s a lot of grass to mow =) the animals that are usually found in grasslands around the world are:
> Dingo > Koala
> Emu > Kangaroo
> Fox > Quokka
> Frilled Lizard > Wombat

And oh my gosh did these animals scare me! I saw the Frilled Lizard and I nearly pooped my pants!!! I mean here is a picture of it and it looks and looked so nasty - like it's gonna come and EAT YOU ALIVE!

Well that’s about it for today... except to tell you that I had a wonderful day and loved every minute of it!!!

Talk to you tomorrow when I get to visit a VERY big mountain
aBie xx oo xx

9th Destination - (Mount Everest)

I just got to visit the most amazingly incredible place in the universe;
MoUnT EvErEsT...

It was unlike anything that I have ever seen. Well as all of you would know I didn't climb to the very top - Knowing me i'd be DEAD =) but I climbed as much as I could in 1 day, which was satisfying enough for me, I think as it would be for anyone! It was the coldest that I have ever been, I swear I got frostbite of my feet! The average temperature the mountain is known to be is -36'C, but can drop as low as 60'C. July is the warmest month - believed to be around 19'C. The wind can reach up to 80km/h.

(Mount Everest From Space!)

Rain falls during the 'monsoon' / windy seasons. Winter storms occur between December and March. Storms that come not expected can drop as much as 3metres of snow - (10 ft.)
The height of Mount Everest has been believed to be around 8 850m - (29 035 ft,) and apparently scientists have discovered that the Mountain is not quite finished growing just yet!

Now for ALL of those of you who don’t know (and I just know that there are a lot of you, but) Mount Everest is the highest Mountain in the whole wide world! WOW... I know what a shock I bet you didn't see that one coming! =P

I feel that this has just been a great achievement for me and I feel just that much more exited to share this with you!
I'll post another blog tomorrow that I hope you read!
Luv aBie
Xx Oo Xx Oo =)

10th Destination - Hawaii...

I am sooo sad, my trip is almost over,

Don’t get me wrong though, I am still glad and so very grateful for the places I have been and thing I have seen. But this means unfortunately this is going to be the last time I get to write to you about my wonderful adventures. But... no wait there’s still more!!! I still have one more blog to create... the one on my way home...about the disgusting aeroplane food... =)

But anyway today I got to go and breath in all the beautiful fresh air and fresh smell of the sea - in my last destination;


It was absolutely amazing I never thought that Hawaii was so interesting; I mean I thought it was just a place with great shopping and fantastic beaches!!! So I guess I was wrong, no actually I was WAY OF!

Today Hawaii was around 23°C, and "partly cloudy" - as the news reporters said! I am staying in Central Valley, Maui - Hawaii, (of course.) It was such a beautiful day for a "snorkelling day trip," which is just what I decided to do!!! The animals & plants & things of the ocean were just amazing. It has all been a wonderful experience, and I hope that I have shared with you how much fun I have had... because I’ve had a lot of it!

Hawaii is located in the Central Pacific Ocean - It is made up of 8 different volcanic islands! Hawaii is only 1 on the 8. Volcanoes on Hawaii are still active - and i was heaps scarred that i was gonna get blown up or somthing - or burn to death aaaahhhh... =S

Luv aBie xx oo xx

P.S. I hope you're going to read my blog about 'aeroplane food' YUM YUM...... =(

Last Blog - Aeroplane Food!

Now I sadly have to say – very distraughtly might I add, that my wonderful but yet still “educational” trip has come to the last of its adventures. It has been a wonderful experience and I have learnt a lot as a geographer, but also as a tourist.
I have learnt a lot about different cultures and languages. It has been a wonderful trip and I hope that you have enjoyed following me throughout my journey.

EEEEWWW YUCK, the aeroplane food is absolutely revolting. I told you I would report about it!

I had a gross... ‘Something,’ I don’t even know what it was, and if it could be classified as a type of food.

As wonderful as it was to have a holiday and learn more about different things around the world, I still agree with the old saying – “Home Sweet Home.” It is going to be nice to get home and have my own ‘FOOD’ but also friends, family and of course my very precious...


I hope to keep in contact with you - if I happen to be the luckiest person in the universe, and get to go on another trip of a lifetime!

From aBie
xx oo xx